Client Experience: Risk Questionnaires

Curious what your invited clients will see when you assign them a risk questionnaire? We've got you covered! Below is an overview of risk assessment questionnaires, from the client perspective.

New to Risk Questionnaires in RightCapital?

Learn how to Assign a Questionnaire to a client, as well as how to Create Risk Questionnaires.

Existing Clients

After a questionnaire has been assigned to a client, that client will receive a pop-up notification the next time they log into their RightCapital plan. This window will display a brief greeting, the introduction that was entered for the questionnaire, and how many questions they need to complete:

Clients will be presented with two options. The 'Start Questionnaire Now' option will open a drawer on the right side of the screen, immediately prompting the client to complete the questionnaire:
If clients choose the 'I Will Do It Later' option, they can find and resume the questionnaire at any point in the Investment > Risk > Score & Assessments tab. They will also be prompted to complete the questionnaire again each time they log in, until the questionnaire is completed.

Regardless of which option clients select, incomplete questionnaires can be saved and resumed at any time within this tab:
Note on Planning Access
You can give clients access to the Score & Assessments tab within their Planning Access checklist:
Once a response has been selected for each question in the questionnaire, a 'Complete' option will appear alongside Save. Once the client clicks 'Complete', responses will be locked in and a risk assessment score will be calculated:

By default, invited clients that are completing a questionnaire via their client portal will not see the score after completing the questionnaire. If you'd like them to be able to see the score, you can choose to share the score with them.

After opening their client plan, navigate back to the Score & Assessments tab, click on the completed questionnaire, and toggle on the "Shared With Client" icon:

This will make the score visible from the client side, within the same tab:

If you'd like to be notified when clients complete risk assessments, you can opt into these notifications via the Bell Icon > Notification Settings tab of the Advisor Portal.

Initial Data Entry

If you opt to include a Risk Questionnaire in the initial data entry process for a client, they will see a "Risk" step in their virtual onboarding template. This step will include a card for each client that has been assigned a questionnaire:

If the initial data entry is bypassed without completing the questionnaire(s), their experience going forward will match that of Existing Clients (see above).
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