Summary Tab - Risk Module

The Advisor Portal > Risk > Summary tab is broken up into two sections: Household, and Portfolio. Each of these subtabs will provide you with crucial risk tolerance and assessment details for your entire book of business, as well as each of your model portfolios:


The Household tab is where you can view key risk information for all of your client households, all in one table. All of your clients will be displayed here by default, but you can filter by client group using the dropdown in the upper right:

From left to right you will see the client's name and group, followed by:

Equity/Fixed: The Equity / Fixed Income split for that client's current portfolio (i.e. all non-annuity investments entered into the Profile > Net Worth section).

Current Portfolio Risk: The risk score for that client's current portfolio. Current portfolio risk scores range from 1 to 100, and are calculated based on the standard deviation of that client's investment portfolio.

Last Assessment Date: The date in which that client most recently completed a risk tolerance questionnaire.

Risk Score: The Household Risk Score for that client, set by the advisor in the Investment > Risk > Score & Assessments tab of the client's plan. Risk scores range from 1 to 100, and represent that client's personal tolerance for risk.

Difference: The numerical difference between that client's assigned household risk score, and the current portfolio risk score.
Note on Equity/Fixed and Current Portfolio Risk

The allocation and current portfolio risk are both updated once per business day. Hover your mouse over the asterisks to see when they were last updated:


The Portfolio tab is where you can view the risk score and category for each of your model portfolios. This table will include:
  • RightCapital's default model portfolios

  • Custom model portfolios created in the Models > Portfolios tab

  • Any models that have been imported via a 3rd party integration such as Nitrogen

From left to right you will see the model name, allocation, return, and standard deviation, followed by:

Downside: The annual downside potential of the portfolio, as a percentage.

Upside: The annual upside potential of the portfolio, as a percentage.

Risk Score: The risk score for that model portfolio. Risk scores range from 1 to 100, and are calculated based on the standard deviation of the portfolio.

Category: The risk tolerance category that your portfolio falls into, based on the risk score of the portfolio and your customized risk category bands. *This column will only be displayed if risk tolerance categories are enabled in the Risk > Categories tab.
Upside / Downside Annual Percentages:

The upside and downside percentages are based on a 95% confidence interval, and are calculated using the total return and standard deviation of each portfolio.

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