Client Settings

The Client Settings tab of the Advisor Portal houses several key areas, including Client Presets, Client Groups, Notifications, and Permissions. Please note that the Client Settings tab may be located within the '...' More Menu, depending on your specific account setup:

Client Presets

The Client Settings > Client Presets tab allows you to set a number of default methodology settings and plan parameters at a global level. These settings and parameters will be used as a starting point when creating new client households in RightCapital:
Please note that making changes to your client presets will not have an impact on any of your existing clients. These changes will only affect the default settings and parameters that will be used for new households that are created or imported going forward.
Looking for more on Client Presets?

For more detailed information on Client Presets, please reference the knowledge base article below:

System-Wide Client Presets

Client Groups

The Client Settings > Client Groups tab allows you to create new client groups, and edit your existing groups. Client groups make it easy to sort your book of business in an intuitive and meaningful way:

By default, every RightCapital account will have three client groups: Existing Clients, Prospect Clients, and Sample Clients. Feel free to edit or delete these groups, and to add your own groups as you see fit. This area also allows you to:

  • Exclude specific client groups from the RightIntel dashboard

  • Make adjustments to the default groups for new clients and new leads

  • Set the default templates for new clients and new leads

New Clients vs. New Leads

Any clients that are created manually in RightCapital or imported via a CRM or other integration will automatically be sorted into your 'Default for New Clients' group. Any prospects that sign up using your RightCapital Leads URL will automatically be sorted into your 'Default for New Leads' group.

After setting up your client groups, you can change an individual household's client group by navigating to the Advisor Portal > Clients tab, selecting the household from your client list, and scrolling down to the bottom of their Personal Info subtab:
Looking for more on Client Groups?

For more detailed information on Client Groups, please reference the knowledge base article below:

Client Groups


The Client Settings > Notifications tab is where you can adjust the default task and vault notifications that your clients will receive. These notification settings will be used as a starting point when creating new client households in RightCapital:
Please note that making changes to these notification settings will not have an impact on any of your existing clients. These changes will only affect the default notification settings that will be used for new households that are created or imported going forward. After creating a client household, these notifications can only be adjusted by the client themselves within the Client Portal.
Looking for more on Client Notifications?

For more detailed information on Client Notifications, please reference the knowledge base article below:

Client Notifications


The Client Settings > Client Permissions tab allows you to adjust two settings on a global level: whether or not clients can add/edit tasks, and add/edit budget categories:
Looking for more on Client Permissions?

For more detailed information on Client Permissions, please reference the knowledge base article below:

Client Permissions

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