Advisor Portal Vault

RightCapital's Advisor-Level Vault allows you to quickly and easily access all of your clients' individual vaults, all in one place. You can also bulk upload files to multiple client vaults at the same time, without ever leaving the Advisor Portal. To access the advisor-level Vault, click into the Folder icon in the upper right corner of your Advisor Portal:

If you are unfamiliar with the Vault in RightCapital, we recommend first reading our article on Vault Storage, which explains what the Vault is and how you and your clients can use it.

The advisor portal vault consists of two subtabs: the Vault tab, and the Shared Documents tab.

Vault Tab

The Vault tab is a centralized location to quickly access the Shared Folder for any client in your book of business, all from the Advisor Portal. For each client, you can quickly identify the total number of files within their vault, as well as the dates on which that client most recently uploaded and downloaded files:

Access a Client's Shared Folder

To view a client's Shared Folder, click on the client's name in the left-hand column. Within the Shared Folder, you can add new files, create folders, and download / delete / rename existing files. This functionality mirrors that found within the client-specific vault in each client plan.

Vault Functionality

Please use the links below for more details on the following vault functionality:

Looking for one of your Private Folders?

To access a specific Private Folder, rather than a Shared Folder, you must use the household-specific vault within that particular client plan.

Shared Documents

The Shared Documents tab allows you to create folders and upload files that can be shared with multiple clients at once.

Upload a File

To upload a file, click the Add File button in the upper right. This will open a window, allowing you to choose files from your computer, or drag and drop a file directly into the window:

Create a Folder

You can also create a new folder, into which you can upload multiple files. To do this, click the Create Folder button in the upper right. After naming your folder, click into it and upload the desired file(s):

Access Control

After creating a folder or uploading a file, you can choose to share that item with individual clients, entire client groups, or your entire RightCapital book of business. This can be done via the 'Access Control' column to the far right:

Any client granted access to items within the Shared Documents tab will see a new 'Documents' folder fixed at the top of their Shared Folder. The client can open this folder to view and download the files that have been shared with them. Clients will be unable to rename or delete existing files, or upload new files, within this folder:
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