Editing Tasks with RightFlows

Within an active workflow, RightFlows provides the flexibility for you to add additional tasks, and make numerous edits to existing tasks. In this way, you have the ability to fully tailor a particular workflow to your individual preferences, or to the needs of a specific client.

To edit a task within a workflow, start by navigating to the RightFlows > Workflows page. Once there, click into a particular workflow, then into a particular step, and lastly into the individual task that you wish to edit:

Within this window, you are able to fully customize the details of that task as you see fit:

  • Adjust the due date of the task

  • Reassign the task to different or additional users

  • Update the priority of the task (high, low, or none)

  • Change whether or not the task is visible to the client

  • Alter the description for the task

To add a new task to a step, first click into your workflow, then click into a particular step, and then click the blue 'Add Task' button in the upper right. This will open a drawer on the right of your screen, allowing you to dial in the details of that new task. Once completed, click 'Save' to add your new task to that step within your workflow.
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