RightFlows Templates and Groups

Upon activating RightFlows, super administrators will find a RightFlows tab in the Admin dashboard of their advisor portal (Gear Icon > Admin > RightFlows). As a super admin, you are able to create and maintain RightFlows Templates at the firm level via the RightFlows > Templates tab. Additionally, you can create RightFlows Groups via the RightFlows > Settings tab. RightFlows Templates and RightFlows Groups can only be created by Super Admins at the firm level.
Looking for a RightFlows Overview?
This article is for super admins looking to create RightFlows Templates and RightFlows Groups at the firm level. For an overview of how to use RightFlows at the advisor level, click here.

RightFlows Templates

To add or edit RightFlows templates at the firm level, navigate to the Gear Icon > Admin tab of your advisor portal, and then click into the RightFlows > Templates tab. To create a new template, click the 'Add Template' button in the upper right of the page.

You can also make a copy of an existing template by selecting the template using the 'Select Template' dropdown, clicking the downward-facing arrow next to the Add Template button, and then clicking 'Copy Current'.

Naming Your Template

After copying or adding a new template, rename your template by clicking the Pencil & Paper icon to the right of the template name. After typing the new name, click the Blue Checkmark icon to the far right of the text box to save your changes.

Adding New Steps

To begin adding steps to your template, click the blue 'Add Step' button in the upper right. This will open a drawer on the right side of your screen, allowing you to name the step and start adding tasks.

Adding Tasks Within a Step

Each step within a workflow is made up of one or more individual tasks. To add a task within a step, first open the step and then click the blue 'Add Task' button. This will open a drawer on the right side of your screen, allowing you to dial in the details of the task.

Due date: Choose the due date for the task, using either 'Step Activation' or 'Workflow Start' as the anchor for the due date. Step activation will look to the day that the step is activated, + the number of days you select. Workflow start will look to the starting date of the workflow, + the number of days you select.
Due Date Pro Tips

'Step Activation' is most useful for workflows with less strict time constraints. If a particular step is activated later than intended, the tasks within it will be due x number of days from that step's activation.

'Workflow Start' is most useful for recurring workflows with stricter timetables. If a particular step is activated later than intended, the tasks within it will still be due x number of days from workflow start.

Assign to: Select one or more roles, groups, or people to assign this task to. Assigning groups or people will assign that task to specific individuals in your firm. Assigning roles (Advisor, Assistant, Client, or Co-client) will allow advisors to choose the individuals for those roles when using that workflow template. Multiple roles, groups, or people can be selected by individually clicking them from the dropdown.

See below for more information on creating RightFlows Groups.

Priority: Determine the priority level for the task. You can choose between High, Low, or None.

Visible to client: Determine whether or not the task will be visible to the client. Clients are able to view tasks visible to them in the Dashboard > Tasks tab of their client portal.

Task: Write the description for the task.

Once the task has been fully dialed in, click the Save button in the lower right of the drawer to add the task to that step within the workflow template.

Adding Notes to a Step

You can also add Notes within a step, by clicking into the Notes subtab and then clicking the blue Add Note button. These notes are only visible at the advisor level, and will never be visible to clients.

Completing Your Workflow Template

Your RightFlows workflow template is complete once you've added all of the steps to that workflow, and all of the tasks within each step. Now that the template has been created, it will be available to select at the advisor level within the Advisor Portal > RightFlows > Workflows tab, for all advisors in your firm.

Advisors who are not super administrators will not be able to create their own workflow templates. They will only be able to select from the pre-defined templates that you have created at the firm level. However, advisors still have the flexibility to add or edit tasks within a workflow if necessary.

RightFlows Groups

In addition to creating workflow templates, super admins also have the ability to create RightFlows Groups at the firm level, which can then be assigned to specific tasks within a workflow template.

Adding Groups

To create a group, navigate to the Advisor Portal > Gear Icon > Admin tab, and then click into RightFlows > Settings. Clicking the Add Group button in the upper right will open a drawer on the right of your screen, allowing you to enter the name and select the members of the group. Once finished, click Save to finish adding the group.

Assigning Groups

Once a group is saved, you will be able to quickly and easily assign tasks within a workflow template to that specific group of advisors going forward. When adding tasks within a step, that group will now appear in the 'Assign To' dropdown.

Additionally, advisors who are adding workflows in the RightFlows > Workflows tab of their Advisor Portal will be able to select that group as either the 'Advisor' or 'Assistant' role within that workflow.
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