Planning Access Templates

Within the Clients > Planning Access tab of the Advisor Portal, you can customize the layout of the client portal for each and every client plan. While this can be done individually for each client, you can also create Planning Access Templates. These templates allow you to save a particular Planning Access layout, and quickly and easily apply that layout to one or more clients going forward.

Create a Planning Access Template

To create a planning access template, navigate to the Advisor Portal > Templates > Planning Access tab. Your Templates tab may be located in the Advisor Portal > °°° More Menu, depending on your specific account setup.

Once here, click the blue 'Add Template' button to create a new, blank slate template.

  • Rename the template by clicking the pencil and paper icon next to "New template"

  • Select the items you would like to include by checking the boxes next to each module. Modules that are underlined can be clicked into for further customization.
  • Rearrange the order that you would like the modules to display by dragging and dropping them wherever you'd like

Once you have made your selections, click Save in the lower right.

Apply a Planning Access Template

After creating and saving a template, there are two ways to apply that template to a client:

In the Advisor Portal > Templates > Planning Access tab, click the 'Apply Template' button, choose one or more clients or client groups to apply the template to, and then click Save:
In the Advisor Portal > Clients > Planning Access tab for a particular client, use the 'Select Template' menu to choose a template for that specific client, and then click Save:
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