Report Templates

When generating reports in the Gear Icon > Report tab of a client plan, you can fully customize the module selections and page order to provide tailor-made planning for each client. While this can be done each time you run a report, you can also create Report Templates. These templates allow you to save a particular report layout, for quick and easy use going forward. Utilizing report templates is a great way to create efficiency and consistency in your financial planning output.

Create a Report Template

Report templates can be created and saved in two different locations. Within each client plan, you can create a report template by navigating to the Gear Icon > Report tab:

To create a new template, you will first customize the report by checking specific boxes associated with the modules that you'd like attached. Additionally, use the drag-and-drop feature to change the order of selections and the planning modules within. Once the report template is ready, click "Save new template" at the bottom of the report page:

After clicking "Save new template", you will be asked to provide a template name so it can be easily accessed later.

Looking for more on Report Customization?

For all of the ways in which you can customize your PDF reports, click here.

Report Templates can also be created within the Advisor Portal > Templates > Report tab, by clicking the 'Add Template' button in the upper right:
  • Rename the template by clicking the pencil and paper icon next to "New template"

  • Select the items you would like to include by checking the boxes next to each module.

  • Rearrange the page order by dragging and dropping entire modules or individual tabs.

  • Once you have made your selections, click Save in the lower right.

Modify a Report Template

After being saved, report templates can be modified within the Advisor Portal > Templates > Report tab. In this area, you will find a dropdown menu in the upper left to select specific templates and make any necessary modifications. Be sure to click Save after making any changes.

Apply a Report Template

After creating and saving a template, you can easily apply that template within the Gear Icon > Report tab of each client plan using the template dropdown in the upper left:
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