Vault Templates

Within the Vault tab of each client plan, you can create folders to help organize your files in a way that best suits the needs of you and your clients. While this can be done individually within each client vault, you can also create Vault Templates. These templates allow you to save a particular folder layout, and quickly and easily apply that layout to one or more clients going forward.

Please Note: Vault Templates are a folder structure, and will not include any files.

Create a Vault Template

To create a Vault template, navigate to the Advisor Portal > Templates > Vault tab. Your Templates tab may be located in the Advisor Portal > °°° More Menu, depending on your specific account setup.

Once here, click the blue 'Add Template' button to create a new template. You can rename the template by clicking the pencil and paper icon next to "New template":

New folders can be added to your template by clicking the Add Folder button on the right side of the page. After typing in the name of your new folder, click the blue checkmark to the right of the textbox to save the folder:
Your template will be automatically saved after each folder that you add. If you need to rename or delete any folders that you've added, you can do so by hovering your mouse over that folder and clicking the "..." icon that appears to the right of the folder name:

Apply a Vault Template

After creating a vault template, you can then apply that template to one or more clients by clicking the Apply template button at the top of the page. This will pull up a window, allowing you to choose which clients or client groups you would like to apply that template to:
When a template is applied, each unique folder will be created within the Shared Folder for the selected household(s). These folders will be added in addition to any folders or files already present within the client's vault. If a folder with that name already exists, a duplicate will not be created:

Client-specific vaults can be accessed either within that client's plan, or within the advisor-level vault tab. Both of these are represented by a folder icon in the upper right-hand corner:

Firm Level

Vault Templates can also be created at the firm level. Firm Super Administrators can create Vault Templates at the firm level by navigating to the Advisor Portal > Gear Icon > Admin tab. Please keep in mind that only Super Administrators will have access to the Firm tab. Non-super admin advisors in a firm can use the Vault Templates, but cannot change the firm-level Vault Templates.
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